What Pilates Certifications Are Available?

Comprehensive Pilates instructor training and Pilates certifications require in-depth studying of mats and equipment at programs that are offered by a number of different master instructors. Pilates training requires hundreds upon hundreds of hours of apprenticeship, classroom instruction, as well as self-study. You will be able to start your search with these programs that are large, respected. Bigger may not be better but knowing what is available will help you understand what to expect from a Pilates program that prepares you to be a professional.

The Two Types Of Pilates Certifications

Pilates certifications may generally be divided into two parts:

  • Pilates mat certifications, as well as
  • Comprehensive Pilates certification, which covers all of the Pilates equipment.

Beyond these two basics, there are professional certifications as well as many levels of advanced training available for those who want to specialize in the sport-specific or rehabilitative aspects of Pilates.

Pilates Mat Instructor Certification

Pilates mat instructor training is typically available to Pilates students who have shown basic proficiency in their classes. It is recommended that you study Pilates for some time before taking one of the Pilates certifications which are available.

Pilates mat certification will include all of the basic mat exercises, along with ways to change them for a variety of different populations. Expect the mat instructor exam to encompass a teaching demonstration as well as a written test.

Comprehensive Pilates Instructor Certifications

Full Pilates certification on the equipment is much more elaborate than merely the mat instructor certification. A prospective student is often required to have completed at least a year of Pilates study, plus a number of private lessons. The accomplishment of mat teacher training will be anticipated as well.

At this level, the student will embark on basic education in anatomy and physiology, the history of Joseph Pilates, the development of the Pilates Method, and in-depth instruction on the exercises for all of the Pilates equipment as well as their modifications.

As Pilates certifications become more sophisticated, there is a tendency towards dividing the full Pilates instructor certification process into a number of different levels. Each of the Pilates certification programs has its own design and they vary widely. For instance, you may see a program where there is a level of study for the reformer, another for the Cadillac and other apparatuses, and then a level on issues around special populations. Each level can be intensive or taught over a period of time.

Classical vs Contemporary Pilates

Another very important consideration at the teacher training level is if you want to pursue classical or contemporary teacher training. These terms are often utilized in order to distinguish between traditional training which adheres strictly to what Joseph Pilates taught (classical); or training which incorporates new techniques and developments in exercise science (contemporary).

Are you a Pilates enthusiast and want to build a career from Pilates? Do you long for the exhilarating career opportunities which is a Pilates instructor could bring? Being a freelance or full-time Pilates instructor could be very exciting however you need to ensure that you are committed to this exercise form. As well, you need to be able to deal with people on a regular basis.

Sometimes individuals really enjoy doing Pilates, but when it comes to training people every day, it can be difficult to deal with if you don’t have the correct personality to spend hours on end with people. Before proceeding with one of the Pilates certifications available, you have to ask yourself a few questions to ensure that you are heading in the right direction. Going through the training and qualifying can be expensive, and you have to ensure that you get an ROI in the long run.

Categories: Editorials
Pablo Luna:
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