Ways to Increase Crop Yield for Corn Farms

Corn is a major food source for humans as well as being an important animal feedstock. Corn farms are responsible for the creation of a substantial amount of corn eaten by both humans and animals. There are two main types of corn farming, industrial and non-industrial. Industrial farmers usually grow hybrid varieties for higher yields, while non-industrial farmers grow heirloom varieties for a more organic approach. However, every farm owner knows that farming is a tough business and it is important to keep production costs low and crop yield high. This is why it’s important to look at ways that can increase the crop yield of your farm.

Estimating Corn Yield

The first step to increasing your yield is by estimating how much your farm is capable of producing in a given year. You can do this by taking the number of acres you have and multiplying it by the production capability for each area of land, which varies depending on soil quality.

Once you have a ballpark figure, you can start looking at ways to improve the crop yield. If you’re unsure how to get that starting number, using a bushel calculator for corn might be helpful. This way, you can also input different factors to see which approach would work best for your farm. It’s important to have a general idea of what you’re capable of producing because this will help you determine what kind of investment would suit your needs.

Doing some budget management before you set out on a new goal will help you with your planning. Before starting any projects, look at what you already have and determine whether or not those items can be repurposed. This might help save some money as opposed to buying brand new equipment.

Explore GMOs

Another option to increase your yield is by using GMO (genetically modified organism) seeds. There used to be a lot of controversy surrounding GMOs and their effect on the land.

Some debates on the matter are still active to this day, and it’s hard to argue that every single form of GMO is optimal for everyone. On the other hand, plenty of Nobel laureates have noted GMOs, in general, don’t represent a danger to humans nor animals. In fact, they can even be less damaging and increase global biodiversity. Some genetically modified crops are even better in the nutritional sense than their organic counterparts.

However, if you’re concerned about how GMOs could affect your farmland or if they are even right for you, it’s recommended that you do more research on GMOs and find out what method of farming would work best for your interests. Then, consider talking to your local extension office so you can learn more about your options.

Good Soil Quality

A key factor of increasing crop yield is having good soil quality, which means having the right nutrients for the plant to get what it needs to grow and mature properly.

If you have low levels of organic matter in your soil, there are some things you can do to change that around. One would be to simply take action and add organic matter to your soil naturally by growing certain crops, such as legumes or alfalfa hay. These crops will help keep the nitrogen levels up which is also great for weed control – a bonus of sorts! Some farmers only use half of their land for growing crops, while they plant other plants on the other half. This can help keep nitrogen levels high while also encouraging stronger soil structure. This method is very effective when it comes to soil quality, but might not be ideal for everyone – depending on the size of the farmland at your disposal.

The other method you could use is composting with a tractor or a compost turner. Now, this is where turning your soil might become a problem. It’s okay if you have to do it manually because it can be really beneficial, but using equipment for the task may lead to some issues with compaction.


Watering your crops might seem like a no-brainer, but it’s important to make sure you’re using the right amount because too much or not enough can either damage them or leave your land vulnerable to weeds.

You’ll need to keep an eye on moisture levels by taking soil samples. This will help you find out how much water is needed for your current situation. It’s also important to know that too much water can be deceptively dangerous because it might encourage weed growth and make it hard to manage your crops. Taking soil samples isn’t all too difficult, but you’ll need the right equipment for this job. Generally speaking, corn is a pretty sensitive crop when it comes to irrigation, so make sure you’re on top of your game with this one!

A core sampler is what you’ll need in order to get a proper reading on how much organic material and water content is in the soil. But it’s also important to analyze the pH and nutrient levels of your farmland, too.

To get this done, you can use different types of equipment from tools that are designed specifically for this job to more simple devices like chemical strips. On the other hand, you can always hire experts in the field to take care of your soil testing needs.

Take Advantage of Technology

As stated above, using the right equipment will enable you to take advantage of technology when it comes to monitoring your crops. Now, this doesn’t just mean looking at how they’re doing in real-time – although that’s an important factor for some.

You can use technology in other ways, too. There are certain devices that can help monitor climate conditions. Weather sensors work great for this since they’re made to last a while without needing too much attention, which might be a problem because you’ll need to check on your other equipment from time to time because there’s always something that needs fixing!

You should also keep track of your fields with technology like farm management software. This will help you organize and monitor everything that’s going on – including staff, equipment, and crops.

So what is the best way to increase crop yield? It depends on your situation and how you use the right equipment for testing. When it comes to corn, it’s important to keep in mind that there are a few different methods you can use to get the best crop possible, and you can even combine some of them to get the optimal yield. Always keep in mind that it’s important to have the right equipment for this job! Be sure to research more about how you can take advantage of technology when monitoring your crops and soil conditions. Remember: with the right information and equipment, you’ll be able to increase the crop yield on your corn farm in no time.

Categories: Editorials
Pablo Luna:
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