Today’s The Data: How You Can Secure Your Company’s Databases

One of the most valuable things in business is data. Data can be collected, analyzed, and used for various purposes. However, things can go terribly wrong if your database is left vulnerable to security threats.

A database is a collection of information or data which are structured for the storage, retrieval, modification, and deletion of data. Thus, it is your company’s duty to follow the relevant data protection laws and regulations.

The Data Protection Act of 2018, the UK’s implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), states the responsibilities of those who handle personal data in the UK.

This data must be used transparently, for specific purposes, and in a relevant way. This data must also be kept accurate and not be stored for longer than needed, while it must also be handled with appropriate security. Therefore, your company must ensure it keeps its stakeholders’ data safe.

Here are a few ways for you to secure your company’s databases.

  1. Zero trust network access

Most networks work on the basis of trust. This means that users trust that everything on the network is safe, and the network trusts that every user is who they say they are. In other words, both the network and the user trust that the other isn’t malicious in any way.

However, with viruses and inside-job security threats, this isn’t always the case. This is why you might consider zero-trust network access. Zero trusts ensure that only authorized users can access data, and prevents access from users on compromised devices.

  1. Update software regularly

It is crucial to keep your operating systems and database software up to date. This is because software updates contain patches and bug fixes that solve potential problems with the last version. Software updates can usually be scheduled to be installed automatically, depending on the service.

  1. Educate your employees

Though it is true that security breaches can be inside jobs, security breaches don’t necessarily always come about as a result of malice. Sometimes, they can result simply from human error. This is why it is important that you educate your employees on data protection and computer security and provide regular training – for both yourself and your recruits – on these matters.

  1. Secure against malware

You can protect your database from security threats by using a firewall. Like its physical counterpart, a digital firewall acts as barrier against something undesirable. In this case, it prevents unauthorized access to a network or database.

  1. Monitor and assess activity

Of course, before rolling all of these new features out, it would be important for you to write down the strategy you intend to employ. Then, you can inform all of your stakeholders. After doing this, you can begin to monitor activity on the database and assess whether there are any threats.

By monitoring and analyzing, you can help your company to establish potential security holes or security threats before they even happen. For example, you will be able to spot compromised accounts, suspicious activity, and even hackers.

Overall, it is your duty as a company to store your user’s data with appropriate security. Instead of taking the risk, make sure you enhance your database’s security.

Categories: Editorials
Pablo Luna:
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