Technology That Can Improve the Security of Your Small Business

Technology has without a doubt changed how nearly every business operates. The norm even a decade ago is completely different from today. That is largely thanks to technology. It has helped us market better, improve our customer service and so much more. However, one of the biggest impacts technology has had on the business world is in relation to security.

Cybercrime is growing threat around the world. As a result, it is incredibly important to take the security of your business very seriously. If not, you run the risk of becoming a victim and losing a ton of money as well as your reputation. With that in mind, this blog post is going to look at some technologies that can help improve the security of your small business.

An Access Management Tool

Hacking, phishing and other cyber attacks do occur. However, it is actually human error and negligence that is responsible for a lot of the data breaches and leaks in business. Because of this fact, it is very important to always track and monitor which of your employees have and need access to private information.

If you let everyone have access to everything, there is a much higher risk of someone accidentally leaking something or having their account and access be compromised. One of the best ways to ensure you always know who has access to what (and can change it on the fly) is to use an access management tool. These tools allow you to easily monitor and manage access across your infrastructure.

Updated and Managed Backups

In addition to hacks and human error, sometimes other things like natural disasters, power outages, power surges, and machine failure can also lead to data loss or compromise. Seeing as these things are impossible to predict, you need to be proactive to ensure the safety of the sensitive information and data that you work with.

One of the best ways to be proactive to ensure these types of unforeseen circumstances don’t ruin your data is to utilize backups. There are two main ways to use backups, which are to either back up your information and data manually or to do it automatically. Doing it manually is often done through using an external hard drive. Many automatic backup solutions use the cloud. The cloud backup market is growing incredibly fast. It seems to be the easiest and most efficient way to back up data that you don’t want to lose or be compromised.

Multi-Factor Authentication

Protecting employee computers and accounts is arguably the most important security measure to think about. Instead of simply using a password or passcode, you should also use multi-factor authentication. This is an extra layer of security to prove that the person signing into the account or computer is supposed to be doing so, such as having to answer a text, using your fingerprint or entering a unique and always-changing number.

In addition to 2FA (2-factor authentication, among the most popular types of multi-factor authentication), you should also make sure that everyone at your company is using strong passwords for their accounts, computers and any mobile devices containing important company information.

A strong password should be long and should feature a mix of numbers, letters, and symbols. You shouldn’t have the password relate to you or your company at all, as that can make it easier for people to hack or compromise.

Hopefully, the technologies mentioned and talked about in this article are able to improve the security of your small business in a big way, to protect yourself from the growing threat of cybercrime.

Categories: Technology
Pablo Luna:
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