St. Jude Children’s Hospital is building a $1 billion tower

Memphis, Tennessee – St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, one of the most relevant medical centers in the country, invested more than $ 1 billion in a new project. The construction of a new office tower in the Memphis campus for an non profit organization linked to the hospital. The initial investment was about $85 million.

The decision of the investment of a considerable amount of funds is part of an expansion phase planned in the strategic plan to make St. Jude’s grow. That includes the creation of a new data center to improve the research on clinical issues and a new Therapy Center for children.  All these renovations and constructions end up in a bill about $1.2 billion. The strategic plan that involves, besides the constructions, the expansion on advanced health-care instruments, tools for research and other special programs involves a $9 billion spending.

The existing space in the Memphis Campus is no longer enough for the ALSAC team. Image Credit: Skyscraper Page

This hospital was founded in 1962 as a pediatric and research facility that worked ever since investigating rare diseases and attending children in difficult conditions. The main center is located in Memphis, Tennessee. There is a policy in the hospital that once a children is admitted, he or she will receive treatment regardless the financial situation of the family.

The reason behind the construction

ALSAC is an unit linked to the St. Jude’s Hospital dedicated to ensuring the children under treatment the funds. It also supports in the general public to receive quality health care. ALSAC is defined as a fundraising and awareness organization. And considering the policy on no-charging families is helping those in need the unit is a neuralgic center in the hospital’s activity. ALSAC is the main responsible to raise at least the 75 percent of the funds needed to operate the hospital.

Since ALSAC is one of the main fundraising organizations inside the hospital’s structure, there is an strategic reason to the construction of a huge new tower. The intention is to increase the amount of people working at ALSAC at least with 400 new employees, since they are making projections about international fundraising campaigns.

Currently, ALSAC counts with more than 1,300 employees all across the country, and they are mostly hosted in  the Tamer-Rashid Building in Memphis.  The organization is the responsible to manage relationships with sponsors and donors, but it’s also involved with creating benefits-networks for patients, employees, and researchers.

The Tower

The existing space in the Memphis Campus is no longer enough for the ALSAC team. Staff responsible with such a critical task as fundraising for the hospital is growing and the additional space is no more a luxury but a profound need.

The construction is aimed to be the new headquarters for ALSAC and it involves a major expansion plan for the entire Memphis campus. The tower is going to be approximately 10 floors high. Although the main function of the spaces is related with office-tasks, it is possible that the tower will be able to host science-labs and special offices for medical, biological and clinical research.

The construction is estimated to be done in a time period of 18 months.

Source: Commercial Appeal

Categories: Health
Geraldine Chacon:
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