Solutions To Common Problems While Sharing A Bed With Your Partner

Unlike what you see in movies, sharing a bed with a partner is rarely all bliss. Movies portray a cute mutual cuddle as partners both drift to sleep at once and they wake up refreshed. In reality, co-sleeping is marked by fidgety nights trying to catch some shuteye while you wrestle for a portion of the covers, wrap a pillow around your head to smother snoring, and cautiously squirming out of an uncomfortable spooning situation.

Fortunately, if you have someone special in your life, a couple of tricks can help you solve some of these bed-sharing struggles. Below are remedies for some of the most common problems of sharing a bed.


The most common cause of sleep issues is snoring. In fact, 37 million American adults snore daily, which is detrimental to snorers and their bed-sharing partners. In order to address the beast in the bedroom, it’s critical that you address the cause.

Snoring is usually caused by congestion, which can be solved by using nasal spray and strips. If snoring is caused by the sleeping position, see if the snoring partner can change his or her sleeping position. For instance, if he snores while lying on his back, try having him sleep on his side.

You Both Prefer the Same Side

One in every 10 couples in the world argues about the side of the bed they should sleep on. If you both prefer sleeping on the side, chances are high that this is one argument that will last your entire relationship. If you’ve been sleeping on the same side of the bed for a long time, consider retraining your body and break the habit.

One way of doing this is by sleeping inverted for a couple of nights to get off this behavior. In addition, the person that gets up early or requires frequent bathroom breaks should be the one sleeping closer to the door.

Partner Who Tosses and Turns at Night

While everybody changes their position a couple of time every night, some people are naturally restless sleepers. Unfortunately, they cannot help it, which may mean a struggle for you to get to and stay asleep the entire night.

Consider getting two duvets so you notice less of each other’s movements. In addition, consider placing pillows in the space between you or getting a larger bed so there’s little physical contact at night. Alternatively, try a memory foam mattress or even a customizable mattress to reduce the transfer of motion.

Dissimilar Sleep Schedules

If you and your spouse have diverse sleep timetables, it’s critical that you try thinking in advance. For instance, consider laying out your morning workout clothes or PJs in the bathroom in advance so there’s as little noise as possible when you get out of or in bed.

Different Heat Requirements

Clashing temperature inclinations usually lead to a night characterized by flipping blankets and constantly getting up to fiddle with the thermostat. The simplest solution is keeping the bedroom temperature low and using extra blankets for the partner who’s always cold.

While your partner may require a heavy comforter, you may prefer a thin silk cover sheet. Ensure that you have everything required for each one of you – so no one has to steal!


At the end of the night, partners generally have a positive effect on each other’s sleep, and most couples tend to have a bedtime pattern, which has an effect on their internal body clock. In addition, it is critical that you establish some bedtime rituals for a restful sleep every night. The result is decreased stress levels in the morning.

Categories: Health
Pablo Luna:
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