Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis have a second child on the way

Olivia Wilde is expecting her second child with Jason Sudeikis. The couple welcomed to the world their first born Otis two years ago, and it looks now the two-year-old is becoming a big brother soon.

It appears that the couple’s wishes have come true, as they went public with their intentions to continue adding new members to the family, even after his son was born. Sudeikis joked recently about his intentions to keep making babies with Wilde at the TriBeCa Film Festival premiere of The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, as reported by E! News.

Vinyl star Olivia Wilde announced through an Instagram post that she and fiancé Jason Sudeikis were expecting their second child. Credit: FosterGem

“My own kid makes me want more, because I made it with Olivia and that seems like a good cocktail,” joked the comedian about mixing their genes into a new baby.

Wilde, 32, commented her wishes at a Marimekko for Target event in New York. She assured to be desperate for more kids and added the love she has for her siblings and Jason’s as well.

“The more the merrier,” the Vinyl star said.

Their relation status remains to be just engaged and it has been since 2013. The couple started dating in 2011 and promised to tie the knot two years later, however, this may not happen anytime soon. Sudeikis joked once that they will not get married until weed is legal in every state.

‘Badge of pride’

The 32-year-old actress has previously referred to his baby bump as a “badge of pride,” while commenting the honor that is to be a woman, an expecting mother and “making a human.”

Rumors have come to surface lately, but the news was nothing more than gossip until now. However, in January, she denied the rumors of her pregnancy.

Source: Los Angeles Times

Categories: Entertainment
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