Man gives birth to a baby girl in Great Britain

Hayden Cross became the first man to give birth in Great Britain after he put his sex transition on hold to get pregnant. He gave birth to a baby girl on June 16th in Great Britain.

Hayden, 21, was born as a woman. However, he has been living legally as a man for three years as he’s under hormonal treatment. However, Cross decided to pause his treatment to get pregnant after the UK’s state-funded National Health Service (NHS) refused to freeze his eggs, killing the possibilities of a future pregnancy. He decided to find a sperm donor, and he got pregnant last September.

Hayden Cross. Image Credit: The Sun

“In September I got pregnant by a sperm donation. I found the donor on the internet. I looked on Facebook for a group and found one — it’s been shut down now. I didn’t have to pay,” Cross said.

Cross didn’t want to lose the opportunity to have children

Cross is from Gloucestershire and was shortly put in the spotlight after becoming the first man who delivers a baby in Great Britain. He named his daughter Trinity-Leigh, and he calls her his angel. She was born last June 16 by caesarean at the Gloucestershire Royal Hospital. Trinity-Leigh was very healthy, and she weighted 6lbrs 7 oz at the time of birth.

Cross said that his daughter would be a “daddy’s girl” though he was registered as the mother in the birth certificate. He also stated that he wanted a boy at first, but that he is pleased to have a girl. The minute he saw Trinity-Leigh he felt as he had known her for all his life.

He admitted hating all the process of being pregnant because it is a very feminine thing and all of it feels unnatural to him.  He also felt distressed during the pregnancy because a lot of people referred to him as a woman just because of the big belly.

“When I saw her face everything I have been through, all the abuse and judgment I got, everything ­disappeared. It was all worth it,” admitted Hayden. “She is such a good baby, so happy and content, pulling funny faces. I’m not being biased, she really is the perfect child.”

Hayden: “The moment Trinity-Leigh was placed in my arms my world was complete.”

Hayden said that he is all her baby daughter needs, that being a dad is so natural for him, and that he felt his world was complete with her baby in his arms. Cross said that now he understands why giving birth can be the most fulfilling experience in the lives of many women. All he wants now is for his daughter to be happy and safe and noted that having a girl changed his life completely, and now his life revolves around Trinity-Leigh’s. However, he noted he doesn’t feel like a mom, he loves her as a single dad.

“All I have ever wanted is to be a dad. The feeling is even better than people describe” said Hayden. “Being a dad all came naturally to me. As soon as I held her my paternal instincts just kicked in”

He also commented that just a few weeks before he gave birth, his mom also had a baby in the same hospital. Therefore, his baby has a relative her age with whom she will be able to play.

Hayden will restart his hormone treatment

Hayden was born as Paige. However, he didn’t feel in the right body, so three years ago he decided to live legally as a man, undertaking a hormonal gender reassignment. The former Asda worker wanted to freeze his eggs to keep the possibility of having children alive. However, it was too expensive. It cost 4,000 pounds, and the UK’s state-funded National Health Service (NHS) refused to carry it out. Therefore, he decided to begin this journey towards pregnancy.

He stopped taking testosterone because it could be harmful to a baby. Cross needs testosterone, the primary male hormone, to lower the tone of his voice and to grow facial hair. Nonetheless, he did take drugs to avoid producing milk because breastfeeding was unnatural for him too.

“I faced the prospect of not becoming the man I’m supposed to be, physically, or a dad. So I didn’t feel like I had any choice but to have a baby now then get back to transitioning.” said Hayden.

He said that now that he made his dream of being a dad a reality, he can go back to his gender transition process. He is planning to restart it next month.

The name of the semen donor is unknown. However, Hayden said that he found him on a Facebook page. The donor went to his apartment in Gloucester and produced the bodily fluid. Hayden impregnated himself with it using a syringe. He was pregnant on the first attempt. There has not been any contact between him and the donor ever since.

Gender transition treatment costs on average 29,000 pounds per patient. Hayden thinks he can find a job once her baby girl is one year old.

Source: The Sun

Categories: Featured Health
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