Google Calendar will help you achieve goals

Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) introduced on Wednesday a new feature called “Goals” for Google Calendar, that allows users to add personal goals like working out, learning a new language or reading a book, within a specific time. The update is already available for Android and iOS in selected markets.

The app will ask users, how many times per week they want to dedicate to achieve a selected goal, and for how long. The calendar will automatically analyze the personal schedule and select the best time, based on the preferences of users.

Google Calendar’s latest feature can help you find time for the activities you want to do that always seem to fall by the wayside. Credit: Engadget

Jyoti Ramnath, a Product Manager at Google, said in a blog post that goals aren’t easy to achieve, even more, when unexpected tasks appear. As a result, Calendar will reschedule if a person adds a new event that converges with a goal.

Goals can also be deferred when a pop-up notification appears while Calendar will make space for it later. Moreover, algorithms will learn which is the perfect time to make a specific task, as the user defer, edit or complete goals during their day-by-day.

“Before you know it, your goals are delayed or forgotten. In fact, with all the things you need to do in a given week, it’s probably harder than ever to find the time—even when your goal really matters to you.” Said Jyoti Ramnath, product Manager at Google, in a blog post.

The tech giant announced that the new feature is already available for the Google Calendar app for Android and iPhone. However, some users report that it is not available in all countries.

The app has some limitations by now. For instance, users cannot select when their day starts and it automatically configures 8:00 as the waking up hour. However,many people report that they wake up earlier, and prefer to work on personal goals before going to work or school.

Best goal-setting apps for iOS and Android

Achieving a goal includes several subjective factors such as motivation and habit building. However, there are some apps that can help you with reminders, advice, and registers to see your constancy and progress.

The Fabulous – Android

With more than 1 million downloads on the Google Play Store, Fabulous offers users an “integrated coaching”, to help users reach their goals through 5 habits: “get active, eat better, sleep better, lose weight and stay motivated”.

The science-based app was developed in the Duke’s Behavioral Economics Lab and has received nearly 38,000 5-star reviews. However, it is not yet available for iOS users. According to its official web page, an iPhone version will come soon.

7 Weeks – Habit & Goal Tracker – Android

The app is based on “The Power of Habit”, a best-selling book published by the Pulitzer Prize winner Charles Duhigg. It proposes a method to complete goals in seven weeks, offering a minimalist easy-to-use interface.

Scientists have demonstrated that once people complete a task for 49 straight days, they will have developed what is called a positive habit. The app includes home screen widgets, alarms, and notifications to help users achieve a selected goal.

Strides – iOS

The app is described as a “smart goal tracker” since it offers reminders to help people stay motivated. Goals include losing weight, working out, paying a debt, waking up early and others. Every day, users can register their progress and check out their success rate.  

It is available for all iOS devices, including the Apple Watch. Moreover, users can purchase a PC version that offers extra features.

Source: Google Blog

Categories: Technology
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