The Future Of Renewable Energy: Solar Panel Roofing

Thanks to technology, we now have solar panel roofs. Similar to the traditional solar panels, this technology has the ability to harness the power of the sun and transform it into electricity although with varying efficiencies.

In addition, it’s easy to install, thus allowing architects to incorporate them into their designs. Apart from the installation, the tiles add more character and aesthetics to the property they’re installed.

Here’s a rundown of the benefits and the drawbacks of this amazing technology.

The Advantages

1. Solar Tiles are Beautiful

Apart from its power benefits, solar tiles have the ability to improve a property’s looks and character.  This is thanks to their design which allows them to blend with natural or man-made slate, thus creating a spectacular finish.

You also have the option of installing this tech in purity. This means you don’t have to blend with other tiles.

2. Saves Money

According to studies conducted by the Scientific American, solar roofing can cut your monthly power bills by up to 50 percent. This means if you pay $100 in power bills, then after installing the solar tiles, you’ll pay an average of $50.

3. Easy to Install

Solar tiles are lightweight and small in size. This makes installation easy and faster compared to the conventional solar panels which are large and heavy.

In fact, it’s easy to install these tiles that the regular roofers could install them. If you’re handy backed by a bit of motivation, you can do it alone.

Regardless of how you intend on installing the solar tiles, you’ll need a professional roofer since the tiles are delicate. For pro-roofers in the market, visit site for more information.

The Disadvantages

1. High Initial Costs

Similar to the conventional solar panels, installing solar tiles is expensive. However, the cost continues to drop as time goes. Although what you must keep in mind is the amount you’ll save over time after installation. It’s worth knowing that there are two main options – buying or leasing solar panels.

2. Low Efficiency

Compared to the traditional solar panels, this new tech drags inefficiency. One main reason is the traditional panels can be adjusted for the best angle while shingles are fixed and can’t move.

As a result, you’ll have to install numerous shingles or even cover your entire roof with the solar tiles for maximum solar impact. This means digging deeper into your pocket.

3. Contrasting Appearances

You see, installing solar roofing panels is a costly affair, especially if you intend on covering your entire roof with this tech. as such, many people to blend the tech with their existing roof.

While these tiles can be attractive at first sight, mixing two types of roofs may not go down so well with others. Therefore, before going ahead with the idea of blending this tech with other roofs, ask yourself whether you’ll love the outcome.

If you’re building your house or looking to renovate your roof, then maybe it’s time for you to consider installing this amazing piece of technology.

Categories: Technology
Pablo Luna:
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