Expecting Twins? This Article is for You

Congratulations on your twin pregnancy! You may feel excited and happy, especially if you’ve gone through a long journey to get here. However, you may also feel nervous, scared, or even sad. There may be fears that you’ll lose the babies or wonder if you’ll be able to care for them once they arrive.

There are risks associated with having twins. Having knowledge of the risks will enable you to recognize troublesome symptoms and make informed decisions. Having more than one baby at a time has many positive aspects as well.

The most challenging thing about twin pregnancy

A twin pregnancy has many benefits. For all of the soon-to-be mothers out there, it is fair to mention some of the downsides as well. Certain pregnancy side effects are magnified with twins, and sometimes a two-for-one pregnancy can cause additional complications.

Take a look at these 8 challenges you might encounter if you’re pregnant with twins.

  • Morning sickness – Morning sickness is one of the first (and worst) symptoms of pregnancy. The symptoms usually intensify for mothers of multiples during early pregnancy. Some mothers experience morning sickness all day, not just in the morning. Studies have shown that twin pregnancies are associated with more frequent and stronger symptoms.
  • Aches and pains – During pregnancy, pregnant women may experience numerous aches and pains, including back pain, cramps, sciatica, leg cramps, and headaches. Despite the lack of studies comparing twin pregnancies and singleton pregnancies in terms of these issues, it makes sense that women carrying multiples may experience them more frequently and more severely. A pregnant mother’s uterus grows larger and faster with each additional baby, which can put additional pressure on the nerves, muscles, and more.
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – Most people know that carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by typing too much, but it can also be caused by pregnancy. Most often, it occurs during the third trimester of pregnancy and affects as many as a third of pregnant women. As a result of swelling and fluid retention common during pregnancy, the “tunnel” formed by the bones and ligaments in the wrist can become compressed. Nerves are squeezed, causing tingling and numbness in the arms and hands. Twin pregnancies are associated with more swelling and weight gain.
  • Lack of sleep – In pregnancy, finding a comfortable sleep position is often challenging, especially in the third trimester as the baby grows. Many pregnancy symptoms become more apparent at night, which complicates things further. Due to the increased weight gain, swelling, hormonal shifts, and large uterus associated with twin pregnancies, sleep can become challenging, making it difficult to get enough rest.
  • Heartburn – It is reported that up to 45% of pregnant women experience heartburn, which can occur at any stage of pregnancy. Early in pregnancy, hormones may be to blame, while later on, the growing uterus is considered to be the primary culprit. It is for this reason that twin pregnancies, which tend to be larger, may have an increased risk of this complication.
  • Weight gain – In general, a person who has multiple will see more of an increase in their scale than a person who has only one child. In addition to the babies’ combined weights, fluid, tissue, and uterine growth contribute to weight gain. In addition, there is an increase in blood volume to supply the placenta(s) with nourishment for two or more babies.
  • Preterm labor – Although not all mothers of twins will encounter preterm labor, most mothers will. Over 50% of twin births occur before 37 weeks gestation, while only 10% of singleton births are preterm. Serious risks are associated with preterm labor for both the baby and pregnant mother, so twin births are monitored more closely than singletons.
  • Stretch marks – During pregnancy, the uterus expands-and a mother’s skin stretches to accommodate it. It is believed that stretching can result in a separation of collagen that leaves pink or purple marks on the abdomen, breasts, hips, or thighs-better known as stretch marks or striae gravidarum (SG). The condition affects between 55% and 90% of pregnant women, so it is not confined to multiple pregnancies. Two babies require more room than one, making SG more likely in women carrying twins.

Final thoughts

Getting the news that you’re expecting twins can be both thrilling and stressful. Feeding two babies can be a challenge, especially for first-time mothers. It’s important to be prepared for feeding, changing, and sleeping arrangements for the babies. In order to ensure that your twins are both well-fed and happy,  you’ll need to ensure that each baby gets enough of the proper nutrition. If you are breastfeeding or finding your baby formula, it’s important to provide them with the highest quality organic baby food from The Milky Box. Although proper prenatal care is essential, and gathering as much support as possible for the early months and years will be helpful, having twins is a beautiful experience in many ways.

Parents of twins can find support groups online and in person. You shouldn’t hesitate to talk to a professional counselor if you feel overwhelmed by your anxiety about twins.

Categories: Editorials
Pablo Luna:
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