Dalai Lama’s visit Minneapolis for treatment and lecture the faithful

The Dalai Lama visited Minneapolis on Sunday as he was receiving treatment in the United States for a prostate condition.

The health concerns on the Dalai Lama’s physical condition grew as he checked into Mayo Clinic in Rochester early in January. Although, he assures his followers that he is in good health despite having a prostate condition and pushing 80 years old.

The 14th Tibetan Buddhist leader addressed more than 3,000 people at the Minneapolis Convention Center on Sunday. He gave the lecture from a large golden chair with flowers on the sides and bowls of fruit and rice. Then he lectured his followers about compassion, happiness and inner beauty as he celebrated the Tibetan New Year with the faithful.


The Dalai Lama also seized the opportunity to talk about the Eight Verses of Mind Training, a notoriously famous Buddhist teaching. As the country is experiencing a rather violent situation by having a shooting almost every couple months, the Dalai Lama was expected to address the issue. The Tibetan Buddhist leader said humans’ capacity for compassion is key to promoting happiness, peace and physical health.

The Dalai Lama went on to talk for about 90 minutes longer than expected, showing not only he’s more than capable to stand strong for a three-hour lecture but also showed how much he really enjoyed addressing the faithful. In the audience, many Tibetans wore the traditional clothing called ‘chupa’ and even brought their kids to the Dalai Lama’s lecture. The next appearance schedule for the Buddhist leader to speak will be on March 9 in Madison, Wisconsin.

The Values for future generations

The Tibetan Buddhist is admired around the world for his teachings and methods to maintain a good spiritual life. It’s no surprise for people to worry about the Dalai Lama’s health as he’s loved and respected worldwide. People claim they even watch the Dalai Lama’s teaching on a YouTube channel dedicated solely to him.

However, watching the Dalai Lama on a 13-inch screen can’t compare to witnessing a lecture of the wise Tibetan Buddhist in person, face to face. On Sunday, the Dalai Lama talked about the new generations to come, and how they will “keep up with out own traditional values that we cherish”.

He also talked about feeling fear and pity when humans kill each other, and as the country experiences massive shootings and failed gun control laws; it seems a rather important matter to discuss. According to the Dalai Lama, there’s no excuse for killing, even in the name of religion, or war. He said that “ultimately, gun control must take place here,” as he placed his hand on his heart.

“I want to share my basic thinking and also I think some of my experience as a human being, not as a Buddhist, certainly not as a Dalai Lama, but as a human being,” said the Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader. “How to create a happy humanity, a peaceful humanity, that ultimately lives with a sense of concern, that is compassion.”

Source: The Star Tribune

Categories: Health
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