Does #CondomChallenge promote safe sex? Or is it just a major safety concern?

A new challenge has gone viral this week. The condom challenge is the latest online trend, some are enjoining it some are seriously concern about the safety of the stunt.

The challenge consists of someone dropping a condom filled with a lot of water on the head of somebody else sitting in the edge of a bathtub. Those who are willing to take the challenge are also willing to take some risk.

To prove condoms’ safety, people around the world have made the #CondomChallenge viral. Credit: Techinsider.io

If the challenge goes as planned, the condom should wrap around the person’s head and surround their face. The fun part is that it causes a funny bubble-like effect and pops when you touch it. The not so fun part, you could not only suffocate with a condom sucking your face, but also there’s the possibility of drowning from the water inside the condom.

The Twitter page for the Condom Challenge says the challenge promotes safe sex and people claimed this is why they are participating in it. If a condom can wrap your face without breaking, it can, without any doubt, fit in anybody’s penis.

The comments showing concern from parents and general people all around the world are also bursting the internet.

“How does that promote having safe sex? All they’re doing is using the condoms to play a game, they’re not even taking seriously the fact what a condom is used for,” Danielle Brookshaw, an alarmed mother, commented.

The stunt has shown major popularity among teenagers around the world. The original video garnered over 9,000 retweets, and a lot of people started doing it in no time. So far, there are more than 5,000 videos and images of both failed and successful condom challenges in Instagram.

This is not the first crazy and dangerous challenge involving a condom on the internet. In 2013, teens were doing another condom challenge, which involved people pulling condoms from their noses.

Source: The Guardian

Categories: Health
Maria Jose Inojosa:
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