Comprehending Marketing Automation and Its Perks For Your Business

Irrespective of how great your product is, there will be no sales if your product doesn’t reach its target audience. So, the real hero of your business story is marketing! Without marketing, your people will never become your people. They will go about their lives unaware of what you had for them.

So, it is no wonder that the average business in the States spends over 8% of their budget on marketing. Obviously the expenses have come down significantly because digital marketing is far more cost-effective than traditional marketing methods. Did you know on every $1 that you spend on Google ads Pay Per Click (PPC) marketing, you have a chance of making $8?

That’s a lot of fortune waiting to be made!

You would definitely want to explore that, however, that does not mean you have to hire more talents. You could instead take the help of marketing automation tools like Marketo. We understand that you may be new to automation tech, so there are experts such as Uplers, who can help you with marketing automation.

Marketing automation is a technology that helps you reduce manual intervention wherever possible. Such tools will help you send bulk emails, integrate CRM, manage your leads, and so much more.

Here’s why you need marketing automation:

1) Saves time:

Since marketing automation tools will take care of all your repetitive tasks, you would not have to dedicate your marketing resources on that. For instance, you would not have to send each mail you want to send individually, you can mail them sing bulk mail features which also come with great scope for personalization, thus, ensuring it doesn’t read like spam. It would just take a few seconds for a tool to do the tasks a human would need hours for. The time you save here can be dedicated to actually important and constructive jobs.

2) Better lead management:

Ditch your old dusty registers and boring XL sheets! Your leads need better management. Marketing automation tools are so intuitive they will capture leads from your websites and campaigns too. They will automatically keep all your leads fed in a centralized database. This way you don’t even have to worry about manually entering your data. Furthermore, robust tools can give you filters to classify and group your leads as per their buying patterns, age, gender, and other such factors. This is exactly the kind of infrastructure a marketer needs to create strategies that fit each customer just right.

3) Better resource management:

The fact that you will not have to use your marketing guys for repetitive and non-productive tasks will do your business a great favor, and you can instead utilize them for brainstorming, coming up with better ideas, and creating feedback forms, etc to run your business more smoothly. Moreover, you may dedicate team members to each client, and since they will have more free time on hands, they will be able to conduct demos, provide useful info, handle queries, and be there for your clients. When your resources will spend more time on giving your customers the right treatment, you would naturally find more loyal and fruitful customers. Without automation in place, your team would just not have the bandwidth to fulfill your prospects’ needs.

4) Saves money:

It may sound like an added expenditure, in the beginning, however, when you really think about it, such helpful tools will reduce your hiring and training costs. You may be able to opt for a smaller marketing team with such powerful tools by your side. This will not just save you a lot of money but also all the energy and resources you send on acquainting marketing guys with your style and keeping everyone on the same page can be utilized in expanding your plans.

5) Gives useful insights!

Perhaps, the most useful thing a marketing automation tool does is tell you everything you need to know. The inner nitty-gritty of your business will be revealed with such intuitive tools and the reports they generate for you. You will get a grasp of how your marketing campaigns have been performing, where is the shortcoming, what is not working on your customers, what is your social media presence like – anything you need to know about your business, these reports can tell you! Using these valuable insights, you can monitor and mold your existing strategies. These reports will also help you define KRAs and metrics to evaluate your marketers.

The above 5 are just some of the various things a marketing automation tool can do for you. You can also start your journey with marketing automation on free trial since most software these days offer a demo and free access for 15 days at least. Start automating right away!!

Categories: Editorials
Pablo Luna:
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