A Personal Experience with CBD Gummies

I only just started taking CBD last year and now have an extensive collection of cannabis-infused products. I’ve got beverages in the fridge, vapes on my table, cosmetics on top of my drawer, essential oils in my medicine cabinets, and gummies that all contain CBD. And you may wonder what my obsession is with the particular compound. The answer is simple, I’m critical about my health and wellness, and it didn’t always use to be this way.

Evie Fjord

Want to find out how I could get on board the cannabis train and why you may want to start with CBD gummies if you haven’t yet tried it? I have a personal story below that may compel you to take action.

I Bought My first CBD by Mistake

I have heard many different tales about cannabis and how it works magic for pain and anxiety for some people. And I had already read about many studies from reputable journals that point to the fact that many people were getting positive results from their CBD use. At the time, I never saw the reason to try it as I was okay with my regular caffeine routine of tobacco and coffee. This link https://www.healthline.com/health/caffeine-and-marijuana has more on how to use cannabis and coffee.

So it did happen that I was shopping online when I saw an advert for cannabis-infused gummies. I got this suggestion probably because a few days before, I searched for apple cider vinegar supplements and found some in the form of gummies. So when I searched through this advert for gummy bears infused with cannabis, I was shocked with the number of people that had ordered in the past two hours.

I quickly checked the review and did some research on the company. I thought it was not a bad deal, and it happened that they were giving a discount sale that day. So I quickly ordered a bottle and forgot about it altogether. I did order from another website gummies with apple cider vinegar and vitamin C, and as usual, I forgot about it until I was reminded in my mail that my order was en route.

My First Taste of CBD Gummies

As expected, the apple cider and vitamin C gummies arrived the next day because the retailer was closer to me in the UK. But it wasn’t until two days later that my order for CBD arrived from the US. It was well packed in a tightly sealed bubble wrap. And as I opened it, I beheld a medium-sized bottle of 30 gummies packed with capsules, each containing 10mg of cannabidiol I wasn’t quick to try it and left it till later in the day.

It was in the evening, while in the kitchen after I saw the package wrapping in the trash, that I remembered I had an experiment to try. So after dinner, I looked in my medicine cabinet and took one with an orange appearance from the gummy bear bottle and chewed it. “Not bad tasting,” I thought as I bit deeper into the orange-flavored candy-like substance in my mouth. It wasn’t until about 30 minutes later that I began to feel a different type of way.

I felt light-headed, not stressed, and overwhelmed with a heightened sense of self. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling. But I couldn’t place it at the time. I was already tired from a stressful day and ended up sleeping off.

A Second Time and I was Sold on CBD Gummies

The next time I chewed two 10mg gummies, I was now sure that I had been missing out on a different type of therapy. I had no cause to be stressed out and could still focus on my work for hours with CBD without discomfort. I didn’t want to spoil the feel with caffeine, so I avoided cigarettes and coffee while the experience lasted. I did continue like that until I exhausted the bottle.

Fast forward to more than 20 bottles and over 1000 CBD gummies; I have turned into an advocate of CBD, trying other products containing the compound. From skincare to beverages and recently some of the most delicate CBD flowers on the globe, I can attest to some of the claims available online on the benefits of cannabis. I agree that cannabis-infused products, including flowers, oils, gummies, and drinks, assist the body in numerous ways. You can check the page here for more on the benefits of CBD for health and wellness.

How to Get the Best Treatment with CBD Gummies?

Considering my personal experience, you will be better off if you follow a more straightforward approach to trying CBD gummies. If you are going to enjoy the experience, below are a few things to ensure.

Buy Quality

You need to research the best options available when it comes to CBD. This way, you can avoid many of the poor-quality options in the market. You can use the web to learn more about people’s personal experiences with specific brands. It is also possible to find review sites that do an excellent job of analyzing some of the top brands of CBD in the market. You can check this link for some of the best cannabis-infused products on the market.

Check for the THC Concentration

Now, this is one thing you want to be sure of. The best product should have not more than 0.3% THC so you can be sure that you won’t suffer a high that can spoil your experience. Many of the best brands provide this information on their website and the package so you can easily find it.

Avoid other Medications

Coffee significantly could change the natural feel of additional cannabinoids in your system. Also, other drugs could inhibit the natural action of the CBD, causing you to hate the experience.

Final Note

It is a good thing for you to take a responsible approach when using CBD. So you want to follow the dosage instruction suggested by the brand manufacturers. A serving of 10mg to 1500mg is safe daily depending on certain factors such as weight, tolerance, and If you are dealing with a medical condition. You should also consult with your doctor if you intend to use it for managing any ailment.

Categories: Editorials
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